DTAG downloads

A DTAG-2 attached to a humpback whale feeding on the Stellwagen Banks of the coast of Massachusetts, USA.

DTAG sound and movement recording tags produce dense datasets that can be challenging to analyse. A set of tools to help process these data are available here for DTAG-2 and DTAG-3 version tags. The tools provide:

1. Tag deployment archive management.
2. Automatic calibration tools to convert tag sensor data to engineering units.
3. A unified timebase for accessing multi-rate sensor and audio data.
4. Interactive tools for estimating and correcting the orientation of the tag on the animal.
5. Tools to estimate orientation, jerk, OBDA, MSA, dead-reckoned track and others.
6. Tools for auditing and measuring audio data.

To use the tools, unzip the file and add the directory that is produced to the Matlab path. Make sure to use ‘add with sub-folders’ in File -> Set Path in Matlab to include the entire set of tools. See the documents below for instructions on using the tools. Most tools have help information built-in aswell which can be accessed by typing ‘help’ followed by the tool name at the Matlab prompt e.g.,
>> help d3deployment

Toolbox and softwares

The DTAG toolbox for Matlab is here: tagmatlab_20aug14.

Download a zip file with the latest tool set for DTAG-3 here: d3matlab_02sept14.zip

For D3 files you will also need XML tool box (by Almeida et al.)  which you can download here: XML.MAT.zip

And X3 compressor and archive file writer/reader  x3toolbox.

Software and drivers for the DTAG-3 can be downloaded here: d3usb

The latest (but still beta-testing) drivers are here: d3usb_6nov13


This document describes how to unpack DTAG version 1 and 2 data archives (see the DTAG-2 page for the archive extraction software): readingd2files.pdf

This document describes how to calibrate sensor data collected by DTAG-2 tags: d2tag2whale.pdf

This document describes how to calibrate sensor data collected by DTAG-3 tags: d3tag2whale

This document provides information on how multi-rate data is handled in the DTAG-3 and by the analysis tools: d3sensor_data.pdf

This document describes how to install the D3 USB device drivers on your computer and how to get started collecting data: d3install.pdf

This document describes the XML format used by D3 devices to store metadata collected throughout deployments: d3xmlfiles.pdf

For DTAG-3 archives, use d3read.exe on the DTAG-3 page.

The DTAG toolbox for Matlab has been tested in versions 6 and 7 of Matlab. Please contact the author if you find problems. All DTAG software are released under the Gnu Public License (GPL3).

[Large GPLv3 logo]